It's come a long way since the WIPs I last posted, but it's still not done. I've got the base modelled and nearly skinned.
The head below is not final, I've in fact, modelled a better head since then, but the computer I'm using now (My good one
got caught in a power surge) won't take the skinning, so I'm going to have to build a new computer before I can successfully
finish the project.
Update: K, here's the edited model, far as the head goes. It's much like my head in the fact that it's not yet attached.
I want to get the skinning done before I go ahead and weld verts. Right now, I'm noticing a few problems, like the shoulder
blade area in the skin, and the boots. Both had shadows or highlights that are much too prominent. A must fix. And of course,
the head is just started.